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Hello and welcome! I'm Robin, an artist and creative.


I love the process of creating beautiful things, learning new techniques, skills, and art forms. The phrase "I just want to make all the things" has come out of my mouth countless times in conversations over the years and I've always had the desire to make and do many things with my hands, which is why here you will find paintings and drawings as well as clothing and hats. 


The main focus of my work is making paintings, whether it's working from life in a single session with a live model or taking it slowly and painting indirectly to develop and capture a portrait of a loved one. And at the same time I have a great love for cultivating personal style. I love sewing and making things to put on my head and I want to share that part of my creativity here as well. Hopefully this presentation of my work will encourage anyone else out there who feels like they don't fit neatly into one box.


Here's to creating work of all kinds that can bring people happiness and make them feel good. Reach out if you are interested in the work here or in a custom piece. 


All the best,



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